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Superior Warranties To Back Our Superior Results

Superior Warranties To Back Our Superior Results

At Blue Truss, You Receive Superior
Material AND Labor Warranties

We Offer A Better Warranty Than 99%
Of Other Houston Roofers

Non-certified Houston roofers provide shoddy warranties you can’t trust. In most cases, the material warranty is 10 years… maybe less. And the chances of them not covering it due to “installation errors” are fairly high.

And the labor warranty? Well, often, their “word is their bond.”

And since their manufacturer isn’t really backing their workmanship, you’re out of luck if they close up shop or move.

Fortunately, there’s a better option – Blue Truss. We’re different, and we offer an unbeatable material AND labor warranty that you CAN trust.

We’ve Earned GAF’s And CertainTeed’s
Highest Certifications

So, why is our warranty superior?

Well, first and foremost, it’s backed by the manufacturer. In most cases, that means either GAF or CertainTeed. Both companies are worth hundreds of millions of dollars and aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. So, you can trust them to honor your warranty request decades after your roof is completed.

More than that, we’ve earned the top certification with both manufacturers. For GAF, this means the Master Elite Certification. With CertainTeed, it’s the Select Shingle Master Certification.

To put this in perspective, only 2% of roofers meet the criteria to reach either of these statuses, and less than 1% of all roofers have both.

Now, what does this have to do with your warranty?

Well, only roofers with these top-level certifications can offer their best warranties. For GAF, it’s called the Golden Pledge Warranty. And it’s called the Five-Star Warranty with CertainTeed. We only build roofs that have one of these two warranties.

Our Material Warranty Vs. The “Other Guys”

Most shingle manufacturers offer some type of warranty. However, if a non-certified roofer installs the shingles, you’re getting very limited coverage.

For example, if you purchase a TV from Best Buy, it’ll come with a “warranty.” However, it’s so limited it doesn’t provide much long-term protection.

A roof from a non-certified installer and/or a less trustworthy shingle manufacturer is no different. In most cases, your warranty will last ten years and comes with numerous caveats that could void your coverage.

Since we’re Master certified with multiple manufacturers, you receive a far superior material warranty.

For example, if you purchase a GAF roof from Blue Truss, you have the option to choose their Golden Pledge Warranty, which offers 50 years of non-pro-rated coverage on shingle defects. CertainTeed’s Five Star Warranty is almost identical as well.

After all, GAF and CertainTeed trust their materials to last for half a century or more. And they know we’ll install your roof the right way. So, you likely won’t need to use the warranty.

Our Labor Warranty Vs. The “Other Guys”

A strong, reliable labor warranty is essential. You see, labor, NOT material defects, cause most roof-related issues.

This is especially true when dealing with a high-quality GAF or CertainTeed roof. Their materials are incredibly consistent, so defects are rare. However, installation issues could be as simple as installing the flashing the wrong way or not using the nail gun properly.

And, unfortunately, when it comes to labor, a non-certified roofing contractor’s warranty is often only as good as their word. They might offer a “10-year labor warranty.” But if they go out of business after three years, you’re on your own.

Since we’re Master certified, the manufacturer offers a labor warranty. Specifically, you receive 25 years of workmanship coverage from the manufacturer. That is to say, if you experience issues with your roof that are related to the installation, you’re 100% covered for 25 years.

As a reminder, this is available ONLY with Master Elite (GAF) or Select Shingle Master (CertainTeed) roofers such as Blue Truss.

If you want an experienced Houston roofer who offers an unbeatable, no-risk warranty, then contact Blue Truss today for your free and accurate quote.

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